viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

What I want for my future.

I have always been a fan of music, since I was a child I listened to different kinds of music, I think it was because of my mom and dad, who liked to turn on the radio or put CD's during most of the day.
But I think that one time when my parents gave me a guitar for Christmas was when I knew it, I wanted to study music and learn about the different kinds of music and instruments, that was my dream.
By the time I finished high-school I had very clear what I was going to study: Sound Engineering, at that time my other career options were similar, music theory, composition, even I thought about audiovisual communication but finally I decided for Sound because it was the most complete career in my opinion, the laboral field is very wide.
Now I'm fulfilling my dream studying what I chose for me, it is very fun and every day is a challenge, I'm learning a lot about music and arts but also I have math, algebra and calculus, that makes it even better. 
In the future I would like to work in a music studio for a recording company or a TV channel or even radio listening to music every day and watch new musicians closely.

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