viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

My Music...

I don't like talking about my favorite music or favorite anything because I don't like to put a thing over another one, all the music is different with their own singular characteristics, and besides, I always change the kind of music that I listen to after a while. But if I had to choose a band I would say Los Jaivas, that's what I'm listening at the moment.
Los Jaivas was a very popular Chilean band of the 70', 80' decade, they are still playing today but after the death of the lead singer and player Eduardo 'Gato' Alquinta it wasn't the same. In the beginning they called themselves High-Bass because of the difference of heights between them.
They are famous for playing a kind of progressive rock like Pink Floyd but adding to their music Chilean folkloric elements and instruments. This is why I like this band very much, the mixture between styles is amazing, it is like you're listening to a 'cueca' and then you hear a guitar solo, it's great.
One of my favorite songs from this band and one of my favorites in general has got to be ''Corre que te pillo'' from the Aconcagua album (if you haven't listened to it you should).

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